
A slider allows the user to quickly select a value from a fixed, ordered range, or to increase or decrease the current value. The control looks like the type of slider that you might find on an audio mixing desk or a hi-fi's graphic equalizer. In gtk, you implement a slider using the GtkHScale or GtkVScale controls, for horizontal or vertical sliders respectively.

Figure 6-7A simple slider control
  • Use a slider when:

    • adjusting the value relative to its current value is more important than choosing an absolute value. For example, a volume control: the average user will usually think about turning the volume up or down to make a sound louder or quieter, rather than setting the peak output to a specific decibel value.
    • it is useful for the user to control the rate of change of the value in real time. For example, to monitor the effects of a color change in a live preview window as they drag the RGB sliders.
  • Label the slider with a text label above it or to its left, using sentence capitalization. Provide an access key in the label that allows the user to give focus directly to the slider.

  • Mark significant values along the length of the slider with text or tick marks. For example the left, right and center points on an audio balance control in Figure 6-7.

  • For large ranges of integers (more than about 20), and for ranges of floating point numbers, consider providing a text box or spin box that is linked to the slider's value. This allows the user to quickly set or fine-tune the setting more easily than they could with the slider control alone.

    Figure 6-8Slider controls with linked spin boxes