
An alert provides information about the state of the application system, or asks for essential information about how to proceed with a particular task. It is distinct from other types of window in that it is not directly requested by the user, and usually contains a message or a question rather than editable controls. Since alerts are an unwelcome intrusion into the user's work, do not use them except where necessary to avoid potential data loss or other serious problems.

An alert has a border similar to that of a dialog, and is object modal.

An alert should not appear in the panel window list unless it is, or may be, the only window shown by an application. For example, an appointment reminder alert may be shown after the main calendar application window has been closed.

Otherwise, an alert should be raised above the application when the application window itself is selected from the window list.

Figure 3-10An example of an alert
Title Format

Alert windows have no titles, as the title would usually unnecessarily duplicate the alert's primary text. This way, users can read and respond to alerts more quickly as there is less visual noise and confounding text.


Alert windows are not resizable. If the user needs to resize your alert, the text is probably not concise enough.

Window Commands:


Alerts must stay above their parent

Alerts do not appear in the system window list. Consequently, take care to ensure that alerts stay above their parent window. Otherwise, users will be likely to lose the alert and find your application unresponsive for no apparent reason. Modal windows should always stay above the window(s) they block.

3.4.1. Alert Text

An alert may contain both primary and secondary text. The primary text briefly summarizes the situation. The secondary text provides additional information.

Make both the primary and secondary text selectable. This makes it easy for the user to copy and paste the text to another window, such as an email message.

Figure 3-11Primary and Secondary Text Placement
Primary Text

The primary text provides the user with a one sentence summary of the information or suggested action. This summary should concisely contain the essential details of the problem or suggestion. Every alert has primary text, displayed in a bold font slightly larger than the default. The primary text is punctuated in 'newspaper headline' style, that is, it has no terminating period, but it may have a terminating question mark.

Denote primary text with the pango markup:

<span weight="bold"
      size="larger">Primary Text</span>

Secondary Text

Secondary text provides a more in-depth description of the problem and suggested action, including possible side effects. Secondary text can also provide information that may be helpful in allowing the user to make an informed decision. In most situations the user should only need the primary text to make a quick decision, but they may read the secondary text if they are unsure of the proper course of action, or require extra details. Secondary text is optional, but if used, place it one text line height beneath the primary text using the default font size and weight.

3.4.2. Alert Buttons

Give all alerts an affirmative button that dismisses the alert and performs the action suggested in the primary text. Provide a Cancel button for all alerts displayed in response to a user actions, such as Quit. If the alert warns of a technical problem or other situation that could result in data loss, provide a Help button that provides more information on the particular situation and explains the user's options. You may also provide buttons to perform alternate actions that provide another possible solution, fix potential problems, or launch related dialogs or programs.

Figure 3-12Button ordering and placement for alerts
Button Phrasing

Write button labels as imperative verbs, for example Save, Print. This allows users to select an action with less hesitation. An active phrase also fits best with the button's role in initiating actions, as contrasted with a more passive phrase. For example Find and Log In are better buttons than than Yes and OK.

  • Affirmative Button

    Place the affirmative button in the lower right corner of the alert. The affirmative button accepts the action proposed by the alert, or simply dismisses the alert if no action is suggested (as is the case with an information alert).

  • Cancel Button

    If the alert was produced in response to a user action, place a Cancel button immediately to the left of the affirmative button. This provides an escape route for users to stop an action in response to new information, or just if they clicked accidentally. Clicking the Cancel button reverts the application to its state prior to the user action.

  • Help Button

    A Help button may be used to clarify alerts that present potentially destructive options. Place the Help button in the lower left corner of the alert. When clicked, launch a help window clarifying the situation, detailing the actions performed by the other buttons, and explaining any side-effects that each action may have.

  • Alternate Buttons

    Extra buttons may be used to provide alternates to the primary action proposed by the alert text. Place these buttons to the left of the Cancel button, or the affirmative button if Cancel is not present. An example of a common alternate action would be a Quit without Saving button in a save confirmation alert. This is an alternative to the primary suggested action Save and the Cancel button.

3.4.3. Spacing and Positioning Inside Alerts

Using clear, consistent spacing in alerts makes the message easier to digest and the available responses more obvious.

Figure 3-13Spacing inside an alert
  • The border around all edges of the alert, and the space between the icon and the text, is 12 pixels.
  • The horizontal spacing between the buttons is 6 pixels.
  • Add one line break at the standard font size below both the primary and secondary text, or 24 pixels if you are using Glade.
  • Align the top of the icon with the top of the primary text.
  • Left-align the message text, for western locales.
Technical Details for Proper Layout

Create a new GtkDialog window specifying the number of buttons you wish the alert to contain (and a help button if appropriate). The GtkDialog will contain a GtkVBox with an empty upper row, and a lower row containing a GtkButtonBox with buttons in it. In the empty upper row, place a new GtkHBox. In the left column of the GtkHBox place a GtkImage. In the right column of the GtkHBox place a GtkLabel. Inside the GtkLabel place Primary Text first (using the appropriate Pango markup, see Section 3.4.1 ― Alert Text), then put two linebreaks (return), then place Secondary Text. Now change the properties for each control according to these tables:

Table 3-1Properties for the GtkDialog
Property Value
Title (none)
Border Width 6
Type Top Level
Resizable No
Has Seperator No
Table 3-2Properties for the GtkVBox (included in the dialog by default)
Property Value
Spacing 12
Table 3-3Properties for the GtkHBox
Property Value
Spacing 12
Border Width 6
Table 3-4Properties for the GtkImage
Property Value
Y Align 0.00
Icon Size Dialog
Table 3-5Properties for the GtkLabel
Property Value
Use Markup Yes
Wrap Text Yes
Y Align 0.00

3.4.4. Information Alerts

Use an information alert when the user must know the information presented before continuing, or has specifically requested the information. Present less important information by other means such as a statusbar message.

Figure 3-14An information alert
An information alert...
  • uses the stock information icon.
  • presents a selectable message and an OK button. The button is placed in the bottom right corner of the alert. Pressing Enter or Escape dismisses the alert.
  • may present a convenience button to give access to a relevant object. For example, a Details button in an appointment reminder alert that opens the appointment's property window. Place this button to the left of the affirmative button.
Window Commands:

Roll-up/Unroll, Minimize (if the alert has no parent window), Close

3.4.5. Error Alerts

Display an error alert when a user-requested operation cannot be sucessfully completed. Present errors caused by operations not requested by the user by another means, unless the error could result in data loss or other serious problems. For example, an error encountered during an email check initiated by the user clicking a toolbar button should present an error alert. However, an error encountered in an automated periodic email check would more appropriately report failure with a statusbar message.

Figure 3-15An error alert
An error alert...
  • uses the stock error icon.
  • presents a selectable message and an OK button. The button is placed in the bottom-right corner of the alert. Pressing Enter may dismiss the error alert.
  • may present a convenience button to allow immediate handling of the error. For example, a Format... button in a "This disk is not formatted" alert. Place this button to the left of the affirmative button.
Window Commands:


3.4.6. Confirmation Alerts

Present a confirmation alert when the user's command may destroy their data, create a security risk, or take more than 30 seconds of user effort to recover from if it was selected in error.

Figure 3-16A confirmation alert
A confirmation alert...
  • uses the stock warning icon.
  • presents a selectable message and a button labelled with a verb or verb phrase describing the action to be confirmed, or labelled OK if such a phrase would be longer than three words. This button is placed in the bottom right corner of the alert.
  • presents a Cancel button that will prevent execution of the user's command. This button is placed to the immediate left of the OK or equivalent button.
  • may present an alternate action button or a convenience button. Place this button to the left of the Cancel button.
Window Commands:

Roll-up/Unroll Save Confirmation Alerts

Save confirmation alerts help ensure that users do not lose document changes when they close applications. This makes closing applications a less dangerous operation.

Figure 3-17A save confirmation alert
Primary Text

Save changes to document Document Name before closing?

You may replace “document” with a more appropriate description, for example “image” or “diagram” if the document in question is not primarily text.

Secondary Text

If you close without saving, changes from the last Time Period will be discarded

The secondary text provides the user with some context about the number of changes that might be unsaved.


Close without Saving, Cancel, Save

When a confirmation alert is needed, present it immediately. If the user confirms closing without saving, hide the alert and the document or application window immediately, before doing any necessary internal clean-up. If the user chooses to save before closing, hide the alert immediately but show the document window until the document is saved, in case an error occurs. Then hide the document window immediately after it has been saved successfuly.

3.4.7. Authentication Alerts

Authentication alerts prompt the user for information necessary to gain access to protected resources, such as their username or password. Authentication alerts are a special kind of alert because they are both routine and largely unavoidable. Every attempt should be made to retain information entered into an authentication alert as long as is possible within security constraints.

Figure 3-18An authentication alert

  • Use the stock authentication icon.
  • Show a labelled field for each required item of information. Suggested fields are Username and Password (in that order) where appropriate.
  • If it is secure to retain the username longer than the password, pre-fill the username field and give focus to the password field when the alert is displayed.
  • Show a button labelled with a verb or verb phrase describing the authentication action, or OK if there is no appropriate phrase or such a phrase would be longer than three words. Place this button in the bottom right corner of the alert.
  • Do not enable the OK or equivalent button until all fields that require input have been attended to by the user. Remember that not all fields may require input however, for example an empty password may be acceptable in some applications.
  • Show a Cancel button that will prevent authentication and close the alert. Place this button to the immediate left of the OK or equivalent button.
  • Place any alternative action or convenience button to the left of the Cancel button.
  • When the user presses Return in the last field, activate the default button. When the user presses Return in any other field, move focus to the next field.

Window Commands:
