Types of Visual Feedback
You can use two types of visual feedback for operations in your application— pointer feedback and progress animations.
- 7.4.1. Pointer Feedback
- 7.4.2. Progress Animations
7.4.1. Pointer Feedback
Pointer feedback changes the shape of the pointer. For example, a busy pointer indicates that an operation is in progress and that the user cannot do other tasks. A busy-interactive pointer indicates that an operation is in progress but the window is still interactive.

7.4.2. Progress Animations
Progress animations show either how much of an operation is complete, or only that an operation is ongoing. Normally, these take the form of either a progress bar or a progress checklist.
- When displaying a progress animation, open it as soon as possible after you know it is required, and close it automatically as soon as the associated operation is complete.
- Use a measured-progress bar if your application can estimate either how long the operation will take, or what proportion of the operation is complete.
- If your application can make neither estimate, and the operation only has one step, use an indeterminate-progress bar. For operations with two or more steps, use a progress checklist that dynamically displays a check mark for each completed step.
- Progress Bars
- Checklist Windows Progress Bars
For information on different types of progress bars and when to use them see Section 6.17 ― Progress Bars.
- Progress Windows vs. the Statusbar Progress Windows vs. the Statusbar
In an application where the primary windows contain a status bar (which in turn contains a progress bar), it will often be the case that an operation's feedback could be presented in either the statusbar or a progress window. A rule of thumb is to use the statusbar when an operation is expected to take fewer than ten seconds, otherwise use a progress window. However, do consider the following when choosing between the two:
- Opening a new window, particularly when an operation is short, can needlessly disrupt the user's workflow.
- Progress windows can convey more information.
- Multiple progress windows can be open at once, whereas only a single operation can be presented in a statusbar.
- Progress windows provide a button. Checklist Windows
A checklist window shows the sequence of stages in an operation. See Section 3.5.1 ― Checklist Windows.