Keep It Simple and Pretty
Your application should enable the user to concentrate on the task at hand. So, design your application to show only useful and relevant information and interface elements. Every extra piece of information or interface control competes with the truly relevant bits of information and distracts the user from important information. Hence, don't clutter your interface, and don't overload the user with buttons, menu options, icons, or irrelevant information. Instead, use progressive disclosure and other techniques to limit what the user sees at any given moment.
Finally, present your information and interface elements in an aesthetically pleasing manner. A disorganized, cluttered-looking interface with a few elements can be just as distracting as an organized interface with too much information. Make sure that dialog elements are cleanly-aligned, and do not overuse or misuse color or graphics. If you know a graphic designer, seek their advice if possible— the guidelines in this document will help you with the basics, but there is no substitute for a trained eye.
See Chapter 8 ― Visual Design and Chapter 9 ― Icons for more information on designing the visual appearance of your application.